When Are Taxes Due This Year? Where Has the Filing Deadline Been Extended?


This story is part of Taxes 2023, CNET’s coverage of the best tax software, tax tips and everything else you need to file your return and track your refund.

If you’re not one of the nearly 72 million Americans that has already filed their 2022 federal tax return, there are less than three weeks until Tax Day. While most Americans need to file by April 18, there are some exceptions. The IRS has granted extensions to residents in several states impacted by severe weather an extension.

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And when it comes to state returns, most states adhere to the federal government’s timetable, but some have their own schedule. Here are all the deadlines you need to know for tax year 2022.

For more on taxes, learn how to set up an account on the IRS website, and how to file on your phone.

When are federal tax returns due?

For most Americans, the deadline to file federal tax returns is Tuesday, April 18, 2023. That’s because April 15 is on a Saturday and the next weekday, April 17, is recognized as Emancipation Day in Washington, DC. According to the IRS, “by law, Washington, DC, holidays impact tax deadlines for everyone in the same way federal holidays do.” 

The agency has, however, delayed the filing deadline in states impacted by severe weather conditions over the past several months. 

  • New York residents impacted by winter storms and snowstorms in December have until May 15, 2023, to file their returns and make payments. 
  • Taxpayers in Mississippi affected by tornadoes and severe storms in March now have until July 31, 2023.
  • Due to storms, mudslides and other natural disasters this winter, the IRS has also given residents of Alabama, California and Georgia until Oct. 16, 2023, to file federal returns and make payments.

The updated list of localities eligible for extensions is available on the Tax Relief in Disaster Situations website.

If you’re serving in the military abroad, including in a combat zone, you may also be granted additional time to file your return.

When is the deadline if I file for an extension? 

Taxpayers requesting a filing extension on their federal return will have until Oct. 16, 2023. 

Filing an extension doesn’t push back your payment deadline, though. You still need to submit anything you owe on time to avoid late penalties. An extension just gives you more time to complete your return.

When are state taxes due?

Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming do not have state income taxes.Of the 41 states that have income taxes, most are adhering to the April 18 federal filing deadline. There are some exceptions.

State tax deadline exceptions

State Deadline
Iowa May 1
Virginia May 1
Delaware May 2
Louisiana May 15

California has extended the deadline for state returns for residents affected by severe weather to May 18, 2023. To date, the other states with extensions for filing federal returns have not changed the deadline for state returns. 

As with federal returns, you can always request an extension on your state return. In most cases, you’ll still have to make any outstanding payments by the original deadline.Check with your state department of revenue for the most current information.  

When can I expect my refund?

The agency says taxpayers who file electronically and are due a refund can expect it within 21 days — if they choose direct deposit and there are no issues with their return. By law, the IRS must wait to issue refunds to taxpayers who claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit. According to the agency, those payments should be received by Feb. 28.

For more on taxes, find out about changes in the law that could affect your tax refund, learn which tax-prep software is the best and get the download on tax breaks for homeowners.